
HOPE X (2014): “Teaching Electronic Privacy and Civil Liberties to Government” (Download) For Sale

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HOPE X (2014): “Teaching Electronic Privacy and Civil Liberties to Government” (Download)
Sunday, July 20, 2014: 12:00 pm (Serpico): Privacy advocates and government officials are often at odds. Ironically, both groups want the same thing – a safe and free democracy. This will be an exploration of how government employees can better make protection of privacy and civil liberties part of the calculus considered when making security decisions – not just due to legal compliance constraints or fear of a backlash from privacy advocates, but due to a true appreciation that privacy and civil liberties are as important to democracy as is security. This talk will cover initial successes in exposing government employees to electronic privacy and civil liberties material in the classroom, and sketch the outlines of open source training materials. The ultimate objective is to inform and inspire government employees worldwide to propagate legal reform inside the system without taking extreme approaches. The presentation will be interactive, so please come with ideas for content and educational strategies that might be used to educate government employees at all levels and in a wide variety of countries on the importance of electronic privacy and civil liberties.

Greg Conti

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